A Simple Technique to Help You Accomplish More

A Simple Technique to Help You Accomplish More

Would you like to get a lot done and still feel refreshed at the end of the day?

Give the Focus Sprint Method™ a try. This popular time maximizing tool has been around for over 30 years. It utilizes alternating periods of work and short breaks to maximize how much you can accomplish.

You’ll feel surprisingly good at the end of the day too!

Taking regular breaks gives your brain a chance to relax and reset. Knowing you only will work for a short period makes it much easier to stay engaged and motivated. The technique works well with intellectual, manual, and creative tasks.

The Focus Sprint Method™ pattern is 25 minutes of work and five minutes of break time. After four cycles, you would take a longer break of 30 minutes.

Don’t you just love the simplicity?

Use the Focus Sprint Method™ and accomplish more each day:

  1. Utilize a timer. It’s a mistake to keep one eye on the clock while you’re trying to get your work done. Use a timer and position it so you can’t see it. You can use your cell phone, computer, or a physical timer.
  • You can find specialized programs and apps for your computer or cell phone online. They incorporate your work time, break time, and longer breaks.
  • The use of a timer is critical. It provides a sense of urgency and the knowledge you’ll get a break soon. See how much you can get done in 25 minutes. You’ll be surprised.
  1. Experiment with different intervals. Many people thrive with the traditional schedule of 25 minutes of work alternated with five-minute rest breaks. Others do well with 50 minutes of work and 10-minute breaks. See which works best for you. Consider trying other options, too. I do forty minutes but take a 15-minute break.
  • You may find that certain tasks work better with longer or shorter intervals. It’s important to experiment and stay flexible in your approach.
    1. Ensure that you take a longer break every two hours. This can be 15-30 minutes in length. It’s a good idea to move around. Get a drink of water or take a short walk. Avoid skipping this longer break. It will pay off later in the day! You’ll maintain your energy and ability to stay focused.
  1. Avoid distractions. Part of the effectiveness of the technique comes from focusing intently on the task at hand. You’ll have a quick break in just a few minutes, so keep your mind on track.
  • Let others know you don’t want to be disturbed. Remember, you’re not doing anything but your work for the next 25 minutes.
  • Turn off social media and email alerts.
  • I even silence my phone.

That’s all there is to it. Give it a try for a few days and compare how much you get done, and how good you feel, to your normal workday. Focus Sprint Method™will also enhance your ability to focus and concentrate.

Most people find this time management technique highly effective and reach the end of the day feeling much more refreshed than usual.

It can also work wonders at home. Set your timer and see how much housework you can get done in 25 minutes. Your children can use the technique for homework and studying. You’ll find that you can accomplish much more in 25 minutes than you ever thought.

Take the Focus Sprint Method™ for a test run and see just how much you can get done each day.

Stay Unstopulous,

Ann Signature

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