Avoid These 6 Obstacles to Profit from Your Passion

Avoid These 6 Obstacles to Profit from Your Passion

An effective and meaningful way of creating wealth and abundance in your life can happen by pursuing your passion. Spending your day on things that fill you with energy and enjoyment contributes to the level of happiness you experience.


But expect possible challenges, especially when your options are limited to things you already love to do. A few common obstacles can get in the way when attempting to turn your passion into a career. Fortunately, you can find solutions!

Manage these challenges and earn a living in a meaningful and exciting way:

  1. A lack of commitment. Any entrepreneur will tell you about the challenges of making a living on your own. When you worked, you still received a paycheck while surfing the internet, getting a cup of coffee, or using the restroom. If you choose to go the one-person solopreneur route, this will often not be the case.
  • The work required to realize success can be long and challenging. Fortunately, if you choose a field that truly excites you, it won’t feel like work. Enjoy yourself but understand there you will experience long days ahead.
  • Even if your field of choice results in conventional employment, it can take time to see the results you desire. Changing fields often means starting over again at the bottom.
  1. Right field but a wrong career. You might love fishing but dislike the rigors of competitive fishing. You might enjoy designing fishing lures or start a fishing guide business. Not everyone that loves kids would enjoy owning a daycare. Think about all the options available to you and choose wisely.
  • Multiple ways to make money exist within any field.
  1. A lack of focus on value creation. You might know a lot and see yourself as a great person, but if you want to receive payment, you will need to provide value to someone. How can you use your passion to provide real value to others?
  1. Self-sabotage. A big barrier to profiting from your passion. Are you uncomfortable with the thought of earning money by assisting others? Remember, your doctor and mechanic earn their income by helping others. Professionals earn a living by providing solutions to problems and challenges to people who lack their expertise, skills, or knowledge.
  • Get comfortable charging for your products, services, and time. You deserve to earn money when you provide value to others.
  1. A lack of assertiveness. Whether you decide to change fields or start a business, it’s important to set boundaries and feel secure in asking for what you need. Embrace your inner boldness required for the success you envisioned.
  1. Getting advice from the wrong people. Your high school friend might be vice-president at a pharmaceutical company, but does that qualify him to advise you on selling kites online? Just because someone is successful in one field doesn’t mean they possess the knowledge about your business or career.
  • Seek out advice from those who already accomplished what you want to accomplish. A mentor can short cut your learning curve and you’ll see results quicker. Parents, friends, and neighbors often don’t provide good advice for your career-related decisions. They may even try to talk you out of your dream

Earning money with an activity that fills you with joy and enthusiasm is a worthy pursuit. However, realize obstacles can exist along the way. Your long-term success depends on you recognizing and effectively dealing with obstacles. Avoid giving up when encountering a bump in the road.


You can enjoy success while doing something you love!

Stay Unstopulous,


Ann Signature

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