The Power of a Positive Morning Routine

The Power of a Positive Morning Routine

You can skyrocket your success with a motivating morning routine. 


The key word being “motivating.” Getting the day off on the wrong foot can negatively impact your entire day.


If you’re like most home-based business owners, your morning probably goes something like this:

  1. Alarm goes off.
  2. Hit snooze (3 times, at least I did).
  3. You dread getting up, overwhelmed by your daunting to-do list.
  4. You treat yourself to a shower after contemplating if you should stay in your robe.
  5. Make a mad dash to your office with a cup of coffee.

How can you expect to have a great day when that’s your morning routine? A good day requires preparation and a solid foundation.


 Imagine how different your life would be if you had a morning routine that ensured a good day, instead! 


This life-changing habit will start your day off better, being more productive and set yourself up for success


Consider these ideas when developing your positive morning routine:

  1. Wake up 20-30 minutes earlier. Going to bed earlier makes this task easier. You’ll need some extra time in the morning to accommodate your life-changing habit.
  2. The moment the alarm sounds is called the Heroic Moment. Hit the snooze. But don’t go back to sleep. Meditate until the alarm goes off again. Be a hero and get your head up immediately while you turn the alarm off.
  3. Drink a glass of water. You’ve likely gone 8+ hours without a drink. Have a big glass of water. Leave a bottle of water on the bathroom counter if that’s more convenient.Just be sure to get your water – you’ll feel 10 times better in 10 minutes.
  4. Enjoy a little exercise. Take a walk, jump on the treadmill, do some pushups. It doesn’t matter which exercise you do, but do something. Focus on positive thoughts and get your body moving.
  5. Shower. This is the perfect time to use affirmations. You’re not doing anything intellectually stimulating anyway. Use the time to tell yourself how great you are and how wonderful life is. It sounds silly, but try it and you’ll like it.
  6. Eat a good breakfast. Don’t rush it. But sit down and have at least a small healthy meal. Again, focus on the positive affirmations. Enjoy telling yourself how wonderful you are while you’re savoring your food.
  7. Read something inspiring. Devote 10 minutes to read. Inspiring reading material will motivate you and start your day on positive note
  8. Review your goals. Take 5 minutes and review your goals. Goals that are reviewed regularly are far more likely to be met. Make your goals a priority.
  9. Now you’re ready to seize the day and accomplish something 

Don’t try to do everything all at once. Begin simple. It needs to motivate you not overwhelm you.


Choose one or two things. Developing a morning routine can really change your life. Your morning routine should be unique to you. With a little experimentation, you’ll quickly discover the best morning routine for you.


A well thought out morning routine can have a significant impact on your life, happiness, and success. Give it a try and see how it changes your day.


The Skyrocket Your Success With a Motivating Morning Routine Playbook awaits you in the FREE Harmonious Power Productivity Kit.

Click the Image.


Productivity Power Kit


Stay Unstopulous,

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The Power of a Positive Morning Routine

You can skyrocket your success with a motivating morning routine.    The key word being “motivating.” Getting the day off on the wrong foot can negatively impact your entire day.   If you’re like most home-based business owners, your morning

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